27 Mart 2010 Cumartesi


Yesterday, we moved into our new flat. Most of the work were done by my sister. She emptied all the boxes and the clothes were put in the wardrobes by her, too. Dad changed all the light bulbs and all the taps were fixed by him, too. The only person who doesn't anything is my grandpa. He just sat down and watched us work until we finished everything. At about 22.00, all the furniture was arrenged nicely. Everybody was extremely exhausted at the end of the day, but we were happy at the same time. =)
Now, i want to show you amazing room designs;

I don't like this site because always i face a problem. I wrote something about designing and designers and i wanted to erase something which i wrote, i use delete button and suddenly all my writtings disappear. :(

I want to create a web site because i want to share my photos and show people all around the world. My brother is web designer but he have not enough time to make it. Probably, it will be ahmetturgut.com (i hope). The site won't contain only my photography. I want to write something about photography, so it will have a blog. =))
I hope i will overcome these...

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