27 Mart 2010 Cumartesi


Yesterday, we moved into our new flat. Most of the work were done by my sister. She emptied all the boxes and the clothes were put in the wardrobes by her, too. Dad changed all the light bulbs and all the taps were fixed by him, too. The only person who doesn't anything is my grandpa. He just sat down and watched us work until we finished everything. At about 22.00, all the furniture was arrenged nicely. Everybody was extremely exhausted at the end of the day, but we were happy at the same time. =)
Now, i want to show you amazing room designs;

I don't like this site because always i face a problem. I wrote something about designing and designers and i wanted to erase something which i wrote, i use delete button and suddenly all my writtings disappear. :(

I want to create a web site because i want to share my photos and show people all around the world. My brother is web designer but he have not enough time to make it. Probably, it will be ahmetturgut.com (i hope). The site won't contain only my photography. I want to write something about photography, so it will have a blog. =))
I hope i will overcome these...

20 Mart 2010 Cumartesi


Although I have lots of works and I must study, I prefer slumber in my bed, so I must delay all thing again. I think, I have exhaustion that I took a walk to take photos yesterday. In any case, the job that appears is worthy of this.

My photos from Yeditepe University Photography Club's Garipçe Village tour.

I started study lesson for my exams that are going to start a few days later after. I had hastily breakfast. It’s really hard that preparing exams in the university which has english lessons. However, I know that It make easy for my future life, especially my proffessional life. Therefore, I feel lucky.

Our biology exam is coming soon. First of all, everybody says that it is not our lesson because we study literature and math, not science. However, when we go to the bilology lesson, we realize that it is not only general culture but also beneficial to know our body. That is why I enjoy studying biology. I hope we get high marks.

By the way, I hate this site.

14 Mart 2010 Pazar

Everything in there

It's my turn.
I love writting something but that is called homework so this homework is getting harder. If you want to read my other writtings (not called homework), visit my other blog http://ahmetturqut.tumblr.com ;)
Today is Sunday and i woke up late. After doing my sunday breakfast, I sat on my computer. At that time, too many things came in my mind. It starts with school, and go on my future.

Life is not easy what it seems. Being a student's end is coming slowly and it frightened me. Fortunately, Yeditepe University has qualified in education. If I study hard, I may find a great job for me. They show us what we see in this hard life.
Also I love living in Istanbul (= Although It's weather is not like Antalya where i born, other qualitys cover it. When i graduate from Yeditepe University, I think that i'll live there.

Finally, this video made by Veysel Gençten who is a photograph artist. He took about 90.000 photo in 2,5 year and use about 7.500 photo in this video. When we watch it, we love Istanbul again, again and again =)


7 Mart 2010 Pazar


I haven’t been writing for so long! But I am so busy lately! Busy but happy! Altough every time I go to school I create a few free time for my hobbies.

when I woke up, I have nothing to do untill my friends call me to invite me for taking photo with the some members of our photographer clup from university. even I’ve tought not to go anywhere with them I decided that I can spend some joyful time with them. After the ending of the phone talking I turned on the radio and I heard most popular song of these days. Moreover I started wearing with the song.

When I was out of the house I awared that I have not been outside on such a beautiful day. As I met with my friends, I saw everybody was exited altough this trip was 5th time organised.

We went santral Istanbul where campus of İstanbul bilgi university to take photos. I took interesting and surreal photographs which I want.

These are what i was talking about. I am going to bed right now while you enjoying.

2 Mart 2010 Salı


''Bu yazı da pek çok site üyesinin bilgisayar ve daktilosunda olduğu gibi Q yani QWERTY klavyeyle yazıldı, yani en üst sırada, en soldan itibaren altı harfin adıyla anılan klavyeyle. Şimdi belki inanmayacaksınız ama bu klavye 1873'te bir karşı-mühendislik tasarımıydı: Daktilo kullananları olabildiğince ağır yazmaya zorlamak için olmadık hilelere başvurulmuş, en çok kullanılan harfler klavyenin her sırasına dağıtılmış, (sağ elini kullanan insanları zayıf ellerini kullanmak zorunda bırakacak şekilde) harfler solda toplanmıştı. Göründüğü kadarıyla verimliliğe aykırı olan bütün bu özelliklerin gerisinde yatan neden,o sıralarda yani 1873'te henüz çok gerilerde olan daktilo teknolojisi ve ürünleri karşısında daktilo kullanıcılarının yan yana iki tuşa art arda hızla bastığında harflerin birbirine karışmasıydı, bu yüzden üreticiler daktilo yazanları yavaşlatmak zorundaydı. Gerçekten de Q klavyede en çok kullanılan harfler insanın güçlü olduğu sağ ele göre ve toplu halde verilmek yerine hem klavyeye dağıtılmış ve hem de sol ele göre dizayn edilmiştir,yani harflerin dizilimi hızı azaltacak niteliktedir. Daktilolardaki gelişmeler bu karışma sorununu ortadan kaldırınca 1932'de daha verimli olacak şekilde düzenlenmiş klavyelerle yapılan denemeler yazı yazma hızımızın iki katına çıkacağını ve harcanacak çabanın % 95 azalacağını gösterdi. Ama artık QWERTY klavyeler siperlere yerleşmişti. QWERTY klavyeyle yazan yüz binlerce daktilocunun, daktilo öğretmeninin, daktilo ve bilgisayar satıcısının, üreticisinin kazanılmış hakları, 60 yılı aşkın bir süredir klavyeleri etkili hale getirme yönündeki bütün girişimlerle çatışıyor. QWERTY klavyelerinin öyküsü size komik gelebilir ama buna benzer pek çok durumda daha ağır ekonomik sonuçlar söz konusu olmuştur.
İlginç değil mi?..."