7 Mayıs 2010 Cuma

Is blocking websites like YouTube justified?

Youtube was the most popular video sharing web site. Everyone could find any video what they search. However, RTÜK banned it in 2008. Since this date, we have not been entering YouTube. RTÜK claimed that videos in YouTube were insulting to Turks.

The ban has been strongly criticized as censorship by both the press and the general puclic (especially me :] ). It has also added to national and international concerns about Turkey's commitment to freedom of speech. I think it was embarrassing.

I want to ask a question.
Is blocking websites like YouTube justified?
Everyone can say their opinions. However, I think No.
There isn't any justification to blok the web sites because the problem doesn't solve using this method. If there is a mistake, firstly faultys must find. If website blocks, everybody was been punished. Moreover, people who enters the website in another country can still see the faulty event or video. Because of this, i didn't agree blocking websites.

30 Nisan 2010 Cuma


Globalization is a controversial subject. When i was in A level at prep. school, we discussed this topic. Some of us defended that globalization is beneficial. They claim that firstly, investment and money invreasingly cross international borders. Developed countries establish their factories in developing countries and under-develop countries. This provides more opportunities for the locals in these countries. They receive higher wages and better working conditions than local firms do. As a result, their living conditions improve.

However, others who were claim that globalization is not beneficial argued that globalization leads to Americanization. Western companies especially American ones have created a form of global culture is based on world wide commercial markets. These commercial interests shape eastern local cultures. They gave an example about it that people around the world know many english words. As a result, national cultures are under threat they said. Also they added that globalization leads to environmental pollution. Developed countries establish their factories in developing countries, because these countries do not have strict rules about environment. Due to lower environmental regulationsi multi-national companies spread their waste to nature.

These 2 argument fixed our brains in the class. They are all right in their perspectives. I support both side =)

23 Nisan 2010 Cuma

23 April Children's Day =)

Today is the (Inter)National Children’s Day and is celebrated like a national holiday in Turkey. People don’t go to work and as it is a long weekend this year, most of them have traveled -unless they were bound for a European district influenced by the volcanic activities of the past week.

The history of this day goes as far as the 1920s. When Atatürk founded the Turkish Parliament on the 23rd of April in 1920. The significance of this to the Turkish community was immense. The Parliament was the first sign of the National will and decree of the Turkish community (which was officially still under the rule of the Sultan and facing a sever powerplay of the European and Western forces that wanted to part away and share the country amongst themselves).

Atatürk devoted 23rd of April to the children precisely because he believed that the younger generations were those who were going to carry the vehemence of the National will and decree into the future. But, he did not devote the day to the Turkish children only; Atatürk announced that 23rd of April would be the Children’s Day for all the children in the world.

Children's Day

Since then the 23rd of April is celebrated by childrens and adults in Turkey. The children take parts in national organizations where they dance and participate in championships or sporting contests. Most of these events are organized by the municipality of each city and district; and the celebrations usually take place in big areas such as stadiums. The schools also celebrate this day. Children go to school either for a half day or not at all; but in either case they need to participate in the celebrations organized by their schools.

So if you are in Turkey on the 23rd of April, make a child happy…

Finally i want to show the celebrations in a video =)

17 Nisan 2010 Cumartesi


Yeah, I’m not kidding you. That’s the absolute true!

You may be puzzled as you read the title and make inquiries all around internet to find out whether I’m teasing you or the dream becomes true eventually. Before you crazily check out websites from where you expect to get more accurate information and thus waste the time, be patient and trust me and then check their websites! You would definitely be grateful to me.


So, I highly recommend you to watch these guys before one of the original members dies!

11 Nisan 2010 Pazar

Save Water Save Life!

Friday, the water debt came to our house. I and my homemates realize that we use water unnecessaryly. Because our water debt is flying... After all, i made a research about water and i found a nice campain about saving water on internet. I read and notice that Water is a finite natural resource that must be conserved; it is limited and scarce in many places. I also learn that water crisis is one of the major issues that the world is facing and it is the responsibility, perhaps the duty of each one of us to contribute towards water management. Intelligent utilization of water resources is the need of the hour. Water is necessary for life and everything to exist. So for that today i have gathered amazing digital artworks and campaigns for awareness in saving water. SAVE WATER .. SAVE LIFE !!

And the last thing will be a video.

3 Nisan 2010 Cumartesi


Yes! Today 3 April and i want to tell you about 1 April jokes :) As you see in the videos, it is a terrible event =)) Everyone try to make jokes at 1 April.
I have great technics to scare people in 1 April =))
First one is th
you take Pam and spray it on the toilet seat, and the next person who goes to the bathroom might have a little problem! :D it is childish but sound funny...

I will be careful in this month.
You can be too..

27 Mart 2010 Cumartesi


Yesterday, we moved into our new flat. Most of the work were done by my sister. She emptied all the boxes and the clothes were put in the wardrobes by her, too. Dad changed all the light bulbs and all the taps were fixed by him, too. The only person who doesn't anything is my grandpa. He just sat down and watched us work until we finished everything. At about 22.00, all the furniture was arrenged nicely. Everybody was extremely exhausted at the end of the day, but we were happy at the same time. =)
Now, i want to show you amazing room designs;

I don't like this site because always i face a problem. I wrote something about designing and designers and i wanted to erase something which i wrote, i use delete button and suddenly all my writtings disappear. :(

I want to create a web site because i want to share my photos and show people all around the world. My brother is web designer but he have not enough time to make it. Probably, it will be ahmetturgut.com (i hope). The site won't contain only my photography. I want to write something about photography, so it will have a blog. =))
I hope i will overcome these...