30 Nisan 2010 Cuma


Globalization is a controversial subject. When i was in A level at prep. school, we discussed this topic. Some of us defended that globalization is beneficial. They claim that firstly, investment and money invreasingly cross international borders. Developed countries establish their factories in developing countries and under-develop countries. This provides more opportunities for the locals in these countries. They receive higher wages and better working conditions than local firms do. As a result, their living conditions improve.

However, others who were claim that globalization is not beneficial argued that globalization leads to Americanization. Western companies especially American ones have created a form of global culture is based on world wide commercial markets. These commercial interests shape eastern local cultures. They gave an example about it that people around the world know many english words. As a result, national cultures are under threat they said. Also they added that globalization leads to environmental pollution. Developed countries establish their factories in developing countries, because these countries do not have strict rules about environment. Due to lower environmental regulationsi multi-national companies spread their waste to nature.

These 2 argument fixed our brains in the class. They are all right in their perspectives. I support both side =)

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